Hello, my love, I’m so happy you’re here!

We are living in some extraordinary times. Technology, AI, the environment, the way we socialize and work… the world as we’ve known it is changing rapidly. We are at the tail end of what’s known in yoga philosophy as the “age of darkness”, and we’re ushering in the “age of light”.

If you identify as a MIDLIFER, like me, you may also be dealing with a plethora of personal changes, too. Your kids may be going off to college, leaving you to feel suddenly alone and unsure of your purpose. You may be approaching retirement age, and wondering if or how you will be able to stop working; and what will you do with yourself if/when you do? Perhaps you are caring for your aging parents, which brings up your own thoughts of mortality. Maybe you’re feeling your own aches and pains, realizing your health has been neglected for so long that you don’t know where to begin to get a handle on it. And, if you’re a woman, there’s a likelihood that you are also dealing with peri, menopausepostmenopause


It’s hard to figure how how to stop your negative habitual patterns. I know, I’ve been there too. It can feel like your own self-sabotaging behaviors are running your life. These unconscious habits don’t serve you or anyone else – although your subconscious mind thinks they do and does it’s best to maintain them!

These unhelpful and unconscious habits make you feel:

  • stopped by fear

  • stuck in unwanted situations

  • constant comparison to others

  • concern with what “they” might think

  • self-loathing - unhappy with your looks, job, partner, life

  • that it’s easier to numb out (overeat or use drugs/alcohol)

  • depressed and anxious

  • zero self-esteem

  • no willpower

  • like a victim

  • unworthy

  • overwhelmed

  • like your own worst enemy

You are in the exact right place if you’re sick and tired of the struggle, and ready to do what it takes to make true and lasting change for yourself.

I spent my first 40 years right where you are now. For as long as I could remember, I hated my curvy body, felt controlled by food, starved, binged and purged as the scale fluctuated down and up. I constantly compared myself to others and came up short. I spoke in such a mean way to myself. I was a perfectionist who was so afraid to make a mistake because I was sure “they” would see how flawed I was. I had every not-enough that you can imagine, and worked so hard to please everyone except myself. My life looked fine from the outside, but I was exhausted and fed up. Inside I felt empty, alone, numb, fearful and definitely not happy.

Then I learned about the mind-body connection and began to devour information about it, eventually receiving a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Sciences. I developed a signature program that healed me of all the struggle and self-sabotage listed above. The method I synthesized, YOUR ESSENTIAL SELF (YES), gave me freedom, health, ease, joy and self-love. I’ve been using it and sharing it ever since!


The Path

I’ve learned that in order to change anything on the outside, including our bodies and life situations, we must first change within.

One of the many self improvement courses I took said, “If you want to be happy, choose happy!” Like you could snap your fingers and POOF, self-loathe and depression would magically vanish in an instant. I was left with the questions: “How do you choose to love a body society has taught you to hate? How do you trust yourself when you grew up being told you’re always doing things wrong? How do you feel like enough when you’ve been socialized otherwise?”

This is exactly what you will learn here. YES will teach you HOW!  

Your Essential Self is a full-being transformation from the inside out. In 12-sessions you’ll get to the root cause of your struggles, retrain your brain, alter your mindset, discover your beliefs, create new habits, shift what you speak about, regulate your breath, move differently, and eventually the actions you take will naturally be different.

You can love your body, know your worth, practice self-care, feel beautiful and healthy, move with joy, relax and feel deeply connected to your essence and universal goodness. It’s my true honor to show you how!

Meet DR. Allyn

Dedicated to coaching her clients through the transformation process, Allyn will take you on a journey of complete metamorphosis. Sharing tools and techniques she’s studied and practices herself, she’ll guide you into deep connection with your essence. An intuitive and compassionate Metaphysician and Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Allyn will mentor you from caterpillar to butterfly – free, beautiful, empowered, and vibrantly alive!

What YES Participants Are Saying

Allyn could not be a better teacher and mentor for ultimate health. I signed up for her 12-week Course and that was life altering, I was transformed. Her expertise, calming instruction, positive countenance and judgement free process is a joy to be a part of. She has changed my life and my health. I have never felt better, moved better, been calmer and centered. She is a magical gem.
— Donna
A very thorough, well thought out, beautifully presented program. Really helped me see myself differently. A life enhancing, empowering, loving course filled with wisdom. I highly recommend you do it!
— Cindy
This Course has taught me how to take care of myself first, so then I can happily take care of everybody around me!
— Kumari