
You're doing great, my love!

What a year this has been… Covid-19, Sheltering in Place, Business Shut Downs, Schools Closed, Large Gatherings Outlawed, International Travel not allowed, Anti-Racism Demonstrations, Fires, Hurricanes, Politicking… it’s certainly been a more challenging than normal time for most. (Thanks Uranus!!!)

With every challenge there is the breakdown… but then we have the breakthrough. We always end up on the other side, and with a perspective we could not have seen from our original standpoint. In my experience, this is spiritual growth, expansion, and at some point, not always right away, we realize that we’ve ended up in a better place.

I have been handling all of the above pretty well. I’ve somewhat smoothly transitioned my teaching and mentoring business to online. My newest challenge is that I just had (what felt to me like an intense) dental surgery. A tooth of mine developed 'Internal Resorption" - it was killing itself from the inside out. It had to be removed surgically. And, I will have another surgery in about four months to put an implant in. So I am currently healing from the first part of this process.

I believe that what we manifest (the wanted and unwanted stuff) is always a result or the effect of what we've been thinking, saying, feeling, believing, and doing. So, I've been looking within to discover what has been eating away at me on the inside.

What I've noticed is...

  1. I’ve gotten lazy about consciously speaking kind, positive, loving things to myself. For some, this might be natural. For me, it takes self awareness and practice. So I have been drawn back to doing affirmations, which I’ve done a lot in my life, but not lately. It feels good to be saying positive and empowering words to myself again.

  2. During the painful moments following my dental procedure, I heard my inner voice saying to myself, "You're doing great, my love. You've got this. I love you. You’re healing perfectly. Just relax and breathe, all is well." It felt soothing to hear these loving words, and I was grateful they came to me so naturally.

  3. As I spoke those warm, nurturing, and encouraging words to myself, I viscerally felt the physical pain recede and the calmness take over. I was reminded that our words, our self-talk is SUPER POWERFUL!

I realized that this was what was eating away at me on the inside… I have not been loving or nurturing to myself while our world has been turned upside down. I have been in go mode…learning new technology, learning new practices, working on creating online programs (to be announced soon-ish!) I’d been keeping very busy taking care of my family and students. This uncommon dental situation has helped me see that I need this kind of soothing, loving, and healing self talk daily.

I imagine we all could benefit from consciously speaking to ourselves more kindly and with love during these interesting days. I am grateful to have learned about the tools I have returned to practicing today (affirmations, mantra meditation, breathwork) years ago. They are once again helping me begin to manifest more positive effects in my life…and to feel better now. I am reminded that our personal healing and growth is a lifelong process. And, that this lifestyle of healing can be easy, graceful, joyful and fulfilling.

As I continue to work on me and my stuff, I am feeling blessed to have had the opportunity to work with others as they navigate through their personal challenges. Transformation is just easier when you have someone to lean on. When you have a mentor to lend you a new perspective, to share tools with you that you’ve not been exposed to or been held with accountability to practice.

If you are noticing that you need more support than you usually do to get through these extraordinary times, it’s OK! Please, if you are suffering, reach out to someone. Reach out to me, if you feel moved. Let someone remind you that. “you are doing great, my love.” And do it before you have created anything unwanted, as I have!

I love you! I am here for you! You got this!

xo, Allyn